Weaknesses, every chick from real life to comic books has a weakness. For some it’s purses or makeup and for Powergirl its a little green meteor rock and for Harley Quinn it’s her unyielding love/obsession for The Joker.
What is my weakness you may ask? Well it is simple and it is complicated and I will answer first with; Shoes! I am still a chick, though a very untraditional chick. Now I will NOT go out and spend hundreds of dollars on shoes in fact I’m not sure if I have EVER spend more than approx $80 on a very nice pair of fancy shoes. I try to keep my impulsive purchases to a minimum and I weigh price versus use in my head many times before I hit the ‘buy’ button.
I have just over 20 pairs of shoes for presentations, working out, general use and some costume pieces (come on, I cosplay). Now I want to add a few more shoes to my collection that I have just seen advertised in my Zatana and Powergirl comics this month. I want Superhero shoes! I mean, I know I won’t ever find a Powergirl or Harley Quinn shoe, I’m just not that lucky and they are not that popular but Converse and DC have joined forces to create an amazing line of Converse shoes.
Including Batman; Superman and Green Lantern, DC is using the most popular and most recent heroes to hit the spot light this year and I truly hope they are able to expand their line in the future to create shoes with Villains and less popular characters as they introduce them in Smallville and in their animated movies. I may have a budget and I may be one of the most reasonable out of my species (gender) but I can tell you that if I find a pair of Batman or Superman Cons that fit my petite feet I will be snatching them up whether it requires a credit card or not. Now that you know my weakness, I shudder to think how many will use it against me. This is The Hottest-Geekette signing out!
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